Monday 30 September 2019

So my guess was right nobody missed me ....! I have been meaning to post another few pics but I am so 80's and really secretly despise social media (don't let on though as I am pretty sure I have to do it with being an illustrator!) I worked pretty much the whole of the summer but
I did manage to get a few G &T's down my throat while having a break in my hammock, so it wasn't all bad...

I can't believe it's the last day of September already and  that the Halloween wreath is up on the door, Where'd the year go !

Working on a few new projects this morning and suddenly had a text from my daughter at college explaining that during her law lesson her lecturer on entering the room had  a cardboard cut out of Jennifer Aniston and proceeded to jump on her head to demonstrate instances off assault. The kids just sat in stunned silence, not the reaction perhaps he was going for ...Un conventional I grant you but
my mind trailed off Laurel and Hardly style as I imagined what my daughter would have done is he'd smashed Tom Hiddleston to pieces instead.  It wouldn't have been pretty !

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